Deduct taxes and improve your reputation while protecting Mexican biodiversity.
Social and Sustainable Innovation
By collaborating with us, you ensure a strategic and sustainable impact on the preservation of Mexican biodiversity and ecosystems in one of the best places to volunteer according to CEMEFI .
Our AC works under its own model of social innovation which seeks to create a positive impact on biodiversity in a sustainable way by integrating all actors in society in the creation and systematization of good practices that can be replicated and influence collective decision-making. .
We help you meet your environmental obligations
Collaborating with us is to advance in the fulfillment of your environmental obligations, as well as to improve the environment, take care of biodiversity and increase your reputation and image as a company. Actively involving your staff, allows to strengthen work teams and reduce psychosocial risks, contemplated by NOM-035-STPS , which aims to establish the elements to identify, analyze and prevent psychosocial risk factors, as well as to promote a favorable organizational environment in the workplace. According to the field of application, NOM 035 applies throughout the national territory and applies to all work centers. The non-application of this NOM contemplates fines of up to $ 422,450 MXN
Corporate Alliances
Deduct taxes thanks to our status of Authorized Donor before the Treasury.
Spread the word about your company's environmental activism in the community through press appearances and marketing campaigns.
You get official certifications and guarantee that your company adheres to official standards.
By collaborating with us, you directly affect the UN SDGs for 2020.